
Impact Grants Chart

Total grants since 2018: $2.6B


Impact Contributions Chart

Total contributions since 2018: $4.6B


New funds opened
this quarter:


Total active

Over 3,100


New nonprofits supported
this quarter:


Nonprofit organizations
supported since 2018:


Stories of Impact

TRENDING CAUSE: Global Missions

In Q1, The Å·ÃÀ×ÔÅÄ community recommended over $17 million in grants to global missions, including grants of over $27,000 to Frontiers, a ministry based in Phoenix, AZ that works in every region of the Muslim world to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples among Muslim peoples.

Image courtesy Frontiers

TRENDING CAUSE: Bible Teaching & Engagement

The Å·ÃÀ×ÔÅÄ community recommended over $5 million in grants to nonprofits involved in Bible teaching and engagement in Q1, including over $51,000 for Compass. Based in Lake Mary, FL, Compass is a ministry that helps people worldwide know Christ more intimately through teaching what the Bible says about money.

Image courtesy Compass

TRENDING CAUSE: Poverty Alleviation

In Q1, The Å·ÃÀ×ÔÅÄ community recommended over $1 million in grants to nonprofits tackling poverty alleviation, including over $56,000 for Lancaster, PA-based Hope International. Hope is a global nonprofit that shares the hope of Christ as they provide biblically based training, savings services, and loans that restore dignity and break the cycle of poverty.

Image courtesy Hope International

Generosity at Work   in a Family Business

The Mitchell family embodies what it means to be cause champions.

Following God’s leading, Mike, Betsy, and their son Mikey have dedicated many areas of their lives to the cause of family unity: keeping vulnerable families together by addressing the causes of family separation.

In their giving, the Mitchells support a nonprofit called CarePortal, which connects local churches with local families in need. They learned that, in the U.S., many families at risk of separation can stay together with help meeting a few basic needs like beds, a month’s rent, or an order of groceries.

They have also applied their business expertise to the problem of family separation.

In his travels, Mikey learned that globally, most orphans are economic orphans. They often have a living parent who is unable to find a job and can no longer care for them.

Mike and Mikey determined that they could create more stable, well-paying jobs in these areas by starting a business. They targeted one of the largest exploitative industries in the world: sewing clothing. Now, they estimate that every job in their overseas locations supports 5 – 6 other people, changing the trajectories of many families and keeping children with their parents.

With a profitable business, they are also able to practice generosity in their U.S. office.

Every Tuesday, their staff gathers to address one of the nearby family needs listed in the CarePortal app. Together, they pray for the family and organize to meet the need.

The world’s toughest problems require multi-faceted solutions. The Mitchells approach the problem of family separation with a spirit of generosity in all the resources God has given them: finances, business skills, relationships, and—most importantly—prayer.

If there was one problem in the world you could help solve, what would it be?

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About The Å·ÃÀ×ÔÅÄ

The Å·ÃÀ×ÔÅÄ seeks to inspire and facilitate revolutionary biblical generosity across generations. Through donor advised funds and other innovative tools and resources, families are empowered to live generously, modeling biblical values for future generations and making a greater impact for causes that align with their passions. Since 2018, The Å·ÃÀ×ÔÅÄ has facilitated sending over $2.4 billion to organizations around the world that are dedicated to solving the world’s greatest problems.